Ligiron: From Hauler to Downhill Racer

For more than half a century now, a lowly original Filipino homemade four-wheeled bamboo and wooden cart called is still the undisputed downhill king in Valencia, Negros Oriental. Despite the modernity in transportation and a significant improvement on road conditions in the area, this ingenious contraption is still the favoured means of transportation for most Valenciahanons. They use it to carry their produce down the hilly slopes to the market.

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And as if the is destined for greatness, an unexpected turn of events brought it into the mainstream. From the lowly everyday hauler, now the has transformed into a mighty downhill racer thanks to environmentalist Nicky Dumapit.

From the moment he got his butt into one, he was immediately hooked. It didn’t take long after that momentous event for the to be resurrected and improvised into its current racing form. Since the first Ligiron Race in 2013, the annual event is slowly catching the eyes of extreme sport enthusiasts worldwide. The new “King of the Downhill Trail” has now an international following.

Image credit: Hersley Casero

Organized by Nicky Dumapit and his group, Lipay ang Kalibutan Community, the first racing event came as a surprise according to him. He never expected to see more than 20 s showing up for the event. The s at the time were made using just one design. Riders should have a good pair of feet to aid in the steering and braking of the ride. But as its popularity continues to rise, modified s can now be seen in recent races. Some of them even have brakes and shock absorbers already.

Image credit: Ligiron

And although there have been no reported major injuries among the participants, some racers have come up with ingenious ways of protecting themselves already. This only shows the love and dedication of Filipinos for the one and only extreme Filipino sport enjoying a worldwide acclaim to date.

Also read: Niludhan Falls: Negros Oriental’s Hidden Natural Wonder

As a proof of its continuing fame, Valencia, Negros Oriental tourism office has finally acknowledged ’s significance to show support in this year’s Ligiron Race, which was held last 20-21 May 2017.

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About Author

Benjamar Gabawa

Benjamar Gabawa is a fun-loving guy who likes to talk about peace and politics, loves to mingle with anything that has pulse, and loves to be taken by his feet to new places. He also plays musical instruments and ultimately loves to convey his ideas and emotions through his music and writing.

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