Call of the Mountains: A Story of How I Fell in Love With Hiking

Contributed by on being a Student of LIFE

This is not a story of how I conquered Mt. Everest because I did not and I do not know if I ever will.

But this is my love story.

This is a story of how and why I fell in love with the mountains. And just like any other love story, it was unexpected. It just happened.

You see, I was not the sporty-type of girl. I never joined sports competitions nor did I hit the gym on weekends. I was not fat but I know I was not fit.

So, how did this fascination of mountains start?

One summer day of 2015, my sister invited me to take this short trip. I was aware that we would be climbing a mountain. I was bored and looking for something to do, so without a second thought, I packed the most sporty wear and pair of shoes I had, and tada! I was ready for my first mountain hike.

I promised myself that I would try it just that time for experience. Then some weeks passed, I was invited again for another climb. I told myself that I would give it another try. After all, it was so fun and getting to the top brings such excitement.

It was just a mere infatuation at first. Or so I thought it was.

Little did I know, I was already drawn into climbing. I kept thinking about it. I found myself looking for events related to mountain climbing. I spent a couple of hours of my days fantasising about my upcoming weekend climb. I even joined hike gatherings I saw on social media. Through those, I was able to meet amazing people who had the same passion as I did.

So, what do I gain from climbing mountains and why am I so captivated by them?

Mountains are like an escape when I feel bombarded with the unkindness of “reality”. I always receive an overwhelming positive energy from trees and plants as if they are greeting me with happiness and delight. I truly love the humming sounds of the insects and birds. In the mountains, I feel that I have found a home.

Climbing mountains is not only about scenic views, majestic rainbows and a sea of clouds. Behind these Instagrammable photos are hardships, falls and struggles to reach the top. And while it’s true that the best view comes after the hardest climb, it doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy the journey in between. You will see that what you have to go through is necessary to transform you into the person you are supposed to become. You will discover that there is also beauty in adversities.

Mountains make you remember that just like life, every climb is not only full of ascents but there will also be encounters of descents. Mountains are reminders that everything has its ups and downs. Often times, you have to continue climbing even if you are not sure what awaits you at the top. It may be a full view of what you have been fantasising of or it may be another pathway of uncertainties. There will also be dull and plain moments that will make you feel you are not progressing at all.

You will come across different species that you haven’t seen before. You will start to question them but eventually will embrace the fact that they are there and each of them serves an important purpose.

At the end of that hard climb, you will recognise that your heart beats for you and not for anyone else. You will see the values of things when they are not easily attainable. You will try to question yourself why you chose to follow this path but then, you will understand that the best things in life are achieved through hard work, endurance and patience.

This is what the mountains have done to me. They made me see life in a more meaningful perspective.

Before I started climbing, I thought I was strong enough to move mountains until I realised it was the mountains that moved me.

So, the mountains were calling.

And I did go.

Also read: Go Climbing: 7 Rookie-Friendly Peaks Around the Philippines

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About Author

Frizza Antonio

Friz currently works as a school counsellor and a part-time teacher. Apart from being a teacher, she is also a student. She devotes her time in learning the ways of the world. She hikes, travels, paints, reads and writes. She believes that learning is a continuous process thus, she wants to share her insights, dreams and realisations on being a student of life.

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