Did You Know You Can Apply for Your Pet’s Passport in the Philippines?

If you’re a travel-loving pet owner who’s reading this, we’re pretty sure you have a passport. But did you know that you can get your Filipino furbaby their own , too?

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Thanks to a private company called PETDENTITY, the Philippines is catching up in terms of our beloved pets’ official travel documents! Previously, travelling or migrating to another country with an animal meant carrying around sheets upon sheets of government- and veterinarian-approved documents. The fact that each country has its own different set of requirements for pet travel is an even more complicated affair.

Enter your very own from PETDENTITY, which has most if not all of the documents you’ll need for your pet’s safe and hassle-free entry into another country.

What is a ?

Image credit: PETDENTITY Official Facebook Page

PETDENTITY explained exactly what a is in a YouTube video released early this year. Similar to our own passports, a is a travel document that would house everything you’ll need to present to officials when travelling with an animal. It assures passage with your pet into your intended foreign destination. 

And if you have no intentions of travelling with your pet, the passport “can also be used as a medical booklet or vaccination record book of your pets.”

According to PETDENTITY, the idea originated from the official s issued by the European Union (EU) so that pets and their owners may freely travel from one EU country to another without a hitch — for as long as their s remained valid and updated. More on this later.

Although it still isn’t officially a document required by the Philippines’ Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) and its quarantine division, it sure has proven handy for pet owners who availed of the service.

PETDENTITY also consulted vets at the BAI to ensure that their version of the includes all necessary information required by the Philippine government for pet travel.

What’s inside a ?

Image credit: PETDENTITY Official Facebook Page

Now onto the topic of keeping a updated. What exactly does this mean? Since it includes all the documentation you’ll need for pet travel, s should have a record of your pets’ vaccinations as well as a recent veterinary health clinic examination.

Required pet vaccinations vary depending on any state’s laws on animal welfare and control, so this is something you’ll have to do more research on if you intend to travel with your pet. For example, some countries only require anti-rabies, tick, and echinococcus vaccinations, while others have a longer list.

PETDENTITY keeps things pretty straightforward with its contents: “A Pet Passport consists of 26 pages. Pages 1-4 are for Details of Ownership, Description of Pet, Issuing of Pet Passport and Identification of Pet. And the rest is for vaccination records and requirements for travelling.”

On microchipping animals for countries that require them

What’s more, PETDENTITY’s s also have a space dedicated to animals’ microchip details. As you might already know, some countries mandate microchipping pets by law — which means you will need to get your pet microchipped by a vet.

Thankfully, PETDENTITY can help you with this too, and even update your accordingly! You have the option of including an insertion-ready microchip with your shipment. The great thing about this is that you’re assured of proper microchip documentation, as well as an app to keep track of your pets’ whereabouts.

Of course, you will still need to visit your vet so that they can safely carry out the procedure. But that’s one less thing to worry about!

How do I apply for my pet’s own passport?

Image credit: PETDENTITY Official Facebook Page

Applying for your pet’s own passport is easy, too. Here are the steps:

  1. Drop a message or inquiry at the PETDENTITY Facebook Page or visit their official website.
  2. Process the payment. A costs ₱499, plus shipping (at least ₱200). There are many convenient options: bank transfer, PayPal, over-the-counter deposits — you name it, they would most likely have it!
  3. Fill up the PETDENTITY forms. Submit them.
  4. Wait; patience is a virtue. Sit tight while PETDENTITY prints out your pet’s passport and has it shipped to you!
  5. Once you receive your , have it updated by the necessary professionals. If you also received a microchip, have your vet install it. Don’t forget to have your documents within the officially signed and certified by BAI and other agencies. This will also depend on the requirements of your final destination.
  6. Enjoy travelling with your pet!
One of the most iconic pets to bear PETDENTITY’s passport, a Chihuahua named Coco Chanel, who is the New York Pet Fashion Show 2019 winner. Coco Chanel and her owner, designer Adrian Stephen Cabuhat, dedicated a 2020 pet fashion event to pet survivors of the Taal volcano eruption. Together with designer Lau Fernandez, Coco Chanel (the chihuahua, lol) and Cabuhan are known for a pet jewellery brand called Shopawhowlique. | Image credit: PETDENTITY Official Facebook Page

There you have it, a quick overview of the Philippines’ first revolutionary . Now, you and your furbaby can strut your stuff abroad, just like Coco Chanel the chihuahua (photographed above!) and her hooman. Safe travels!

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About Author

Alyosha Robillos

In Russia, Alyosha is a boy's name popularised by literary greats Dostoevsky and Tolstoy—but this particular Alyosha is neither Russian nor a boy. She is a writer from the Philippines who loves exploring the world as much as she likes staying at home. Her life's mission is to pet every friendly critter there is. When she isn't busy doing that, she sniffs out stories and scribbles away on the backs of old receipts. She is an advocate of many things: culture and heritage, the environment, skincare and snacking, to name a few. She will work for lifetime supplies of french fries and coffee. Or yogurt. Or cheese, preferably Brie.

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