8 Ways Girls Can Stay Fresh While Travelling in the Heat

Hey, girls! Now that it’s summer, it’s harder to keep yourselves feeling and looking fresh when you’re constantly hot (literally). I know that many of us are already planning to hit the beach or a destination that’ll make us sweat and feel sticky too. So, here are some tips to help you stay fresh amidst the sweltering heat.

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1. Wear a hat or cap

If you’re going out for hours under the sun, make sure to protect your head and hair from the heat and all the invisible pollutants. It’ll keep you from sweating and can even help prevent hair damage. A lot of people don’t even bother with this because they think it’s just another random item to carry. But whether you’re at the beach, touring a humid country, or simply commuting in the city, having something that will cover your head is the first step to maintaining your freshness.

2. Pack a face spray

Let’s say you’re starting to feel sticky and your skin’s getting drier by the minute. You need something quick to rehydrate your face without putting on heavy and creamy moisturisers. A face spray will do the trick! Think of it like an on-the-go-form of washing your face. What’s even better about face sprays nowadays is that many are multipurpose. They have moisturising ingredients, SPF, and can even prime and set your makeup. Very useful for travelling women.  

3. Bring oil blotting paper

When you’re already oily and need to retouch your makeup, instead of powdering your face right away, use an oil blotting film first. Powdering your face immediately will only make your skin oil up faster. Remove the oil that’s there already with the oil film then powder up. That way, your makeup will stay put longer.

4. Refrain from wearing skin tight clothes

This could only make everything worse for you. Not only will you feel hot and sweaty, but your sweat will also cling to your clothes. If you already know that your destination will be humid, then think your travel wardrobe through and dress for the occasion. Simple as that.

5. Pack an extra shirt

While you’re on a walking tour, at the beach, or exploring a city under the bright sun, it’s better to pack a spare shirt in case you do start sweating. This won’t only make you look fresh again, but it’ll also be good for your travel photos. After all, if you’re not comfortable and happy with what you’re wearing, it might show in the pictures.

Also read: Travel in Style: 7 Easy & Instagram-Worthy Fashion Pieces for the Summer

6. Bring an umbrella

Even better than a cap or hat, especially if the occasional rain showers fall. An umbrella will shield you from both the sun and the rain. It may be an extra weight to carry but once the summer heat starts really getting on your nerve, you’ll be thankful for the shade your umbrella can give.

7. Put powder on your back

Image credit: Austin Kirk

Many of us used to do this as children, but we seem to have forgotten how useful this basic trick is as we got older. Putting powder on your back will help keep it cool and dry. It’ll prevent rashes and your sweaty skin won’t rub against your clothes as much. Not to mention, baby powder helps fight odour that might have clung to your skin while you were touring. Summer is the perfect time to reacquaint yourselves with this forgotten habit, don’t you think?

8. Keep a small toiletry kit in your bag

Girls, you already know the essentials to pack whether you’re travelling or not. But it’s important not to skip any of these items when you are in fact on a journey. Lip balm, tissue, sanitary napkins or tampons, feminine wipes, hand sanitiser, etc. Sometimes, these essentials can make or break your freshness, so always make room for your small toiletry kit in your bag.

Make freshness while travelling part of your #SummerGoals. Trust us, you’ll feel and look better, and that’s always a game-changer. Kaya mo yan, bes! Fresh wins!

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