10 Sunflower Photos We Love at UP Diliman’s Graduation Season

As one of the more prestigious and highly demanding academic institutions in the Philippines, the 109-year-old University of the Philippines System is known to have some of the toughest requirements for its students all year round. Ask any student who survived four or more years in any of its campuses across the country and you’ll never be left without a comment. Fortunately, those days of hard work are rewarded with an everyday scenery of park-like surroundings that’s plain beauty to one’s eyes.

In the case of their Diliman campus in Quezon City, an added sight of freshly bloomed sunflowers that await every end of the school year is partly enough to get these students inspired. This tradition of planting sunflowers during UP Diliman’s graduation season goes back to several years and has almost never failed to wipe the sweats and tears of any finishing Iskolar ng Bayan.

Also read: The First Ever Sunflower Maze in the Philippines

At this year’s university-wide ceremonies held last June 25, our social media feeds were once again filled with bright and moving photos of students posing next to these nature-given beauties. Here are ten of our favourite Instagram shots that will make you find your own sunflower field to brighten up your day!



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Vibrant sunflowers, graduating students (who we’re sure still managed to put a smile on their faces under those umbrellas) and a historic building decorated with the school colours, this photo basically summarizes UP Diliman’s annual graduation tradition.


Sun Flower is ❤️❤️ TGIF 👍🌻🌻🌻🌻

A post shared by Anggelicious30 (@anggelicious30) on

Now that’s how you incorporate sun and sunflowers in one shot!


Featuring the famous UP Sablay, this fresh graduate definitely deserves her moment with the sunflowers.


Season. 6 Ep. 6 #KharnielAngPagsablay Charowt. 😂

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This shot is simply blooming in every way!


The best kind of sablay ever. 🌻🌻🌻 #sablay2017

A post shared by Phelicia Matienzo (@phmatienzo) on

You can never go wrong with having too much green in a photo. Mixed with bright yellow sunflowers, and of course, this subject having her genuine proud moment, this snap definitely pops.


Night or day, these lovers show how you don’t need to be under the mid-day sun to come up with a radiating photo.


That’s right, you can get this close to these sunflowers.


Even one of our new favorite Star Wars characters couldn’t resist taking a snap with these gorgeous flowers!


The best of nature and art. We’re almost speechless!


O ung iba dyan bilisan na mamulaklak deadline na sa sat #gradwaiting #Sunflowers2017

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As expected, these beauties shine perfectly on their own as well.

These photos prove that while sunflowers do signify sheer joy and a fresh beginning for those studying at or who happen to pass by UP Diliman, they are also some of the best company in any creative photo opportunity.

What’s more, this school tradition shows how natural inspirations can be found just about anywhere, including someplace as hectic as a university, even if it means waiting a year for you to witness them.

Also read: Stunning Flower Blooms & Where to See Them in Asia

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About Author

Joser Ferreras

Joser is a senior writer for TripZilla based in Manila, Philippines. He mostly covers travel, people, and business.

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