The promise of new flavours beckons from Banawe.
While we want people to travel as they are, some types of travellers are just too toxic for the world. Have you encountered these types of travellers before?
While most Filipinos are extra early for their flights, Mr. Always Late couldn’t care less when he hears his name during the final boarding call for passengers. He’s used to it. It takes him at least an hour to get ready, and he never rushes anywhere.
He manages to always jeopardise his tour groups by unfailingly arriving later than the call times — and he’s never sorry. It’s as if time, for him, is a social construct that doesn’t matter. Well, it does. At least to those around him.
Many people travel to make friends — there’s nothing wrong with that. But, the KSP doesn’t look forward to this as much as s/he anticipates making fans. S/he constantly makes every conversation a monologue and goes on and on about how his or her country is better than the country s/he is in.
When everyone is sick of him/her, s/he’ll do something irrational… like deliberately break a law. All for the sake of attention.
At the airport, Ms. Control Freak won’t let you hold your own documents. She constantly forgets she isn’t your mother. You love her at planning stage, when she schedules your itineraries to the T… until she freaks out when something doesn’t go as planned. When the weather forecast isn’t accurate, she’ll throw a fit.
The cheapskate owns his/her label as the budget traveller. But sometimes, it gets a bit overboard. S/he constantly asks you to treat him/her. S/he never leaves a tip, even in destinations where tips are expected. S/he’ll even hold his/her pee when s/he can’t find a free public bathroom! We all love practical travellers, but if you’re with someone who refuses to pay for anything, you might miss out on several experiences.
This traveller CANNOT survive alone, even when ‘alone’ just means 10 minutes without another person in the hotel room. Baby Forever forgets everything at home. Worse — s/he assumes that you will take care of him/her. Personal space is a foreign concept to him/her, and so are personal items. S/he’ll use your toothpaste, comb, facial wash, and shampoo with no shame. S/he might even forget to bring enough pocket money, and expect you to shoulder him/her.
“We’re all going to die someday,” Environment Destroyer says to justify his/her murderous acts towards the environment. S/he leaves the air conditioning and lights on all day, all night. S/he uses straw after straw, plastic cup after plastic cup, stirrer after stirrer. ‘No littering’ may just be the hardest ordinance for Environment Destroyer to follow, because leaving trash behind has become a habit for him/her. Oh, and the animals? They flee because s/he has no care for their well-being.
Tourist Hater claims to be a traveller — not a tourist, because the term “tourist” offends him/her. S/he looks down on people who enjoy tourist destinations, and believes that once a spot is geo-tagged, it’s automatically mainstream. S/he only enjoys underrated places, and only secretly takes photos of cool things. You’ll never spot Tourist Hater having too much fun.
It’s either Too-Rich-For-You flies Business Class, or not at all. S/he can’t stand having anyone rub elbows with him/her in Economy Class. Underdeveloped towns? “Ew.” Luxury is a must for him/her. Don’t you even dare offer him/her a budget option — affordable means cheap!
That’s right: It’s Mr. Crabs with a capital C for “crab mentality.” This traveller constantly pulls down other travellers. He gossips non-stop about other them. No one understands why he’s more fixated on other people’s lives than on the adventure before him. Maybe he’s jealous? Who knows? This toxic traveller emits negativity wherever he goes.
Also read: Don’t Hate: There are Healthy Ways to Deal with Travel Envy
The World Traveller has been everywhere, and s/he makes sure everyone knows about it. If you’re planning on travelling somewhere, s/he’ll instantly have a list of dos and don’ts for you. While you appreciate the occasional tips, you can’t help but feel like World Traveller is just “helping you out” to brag about his experiences. How do you know? S/he thinks s/he has the best ideas ever, and other opinions for him/her are invalid!
Also read: The Worst Filipino Habits Every Traveller Should Get Rid Of
Hopefully, we don’t let anything ruin our vacation… even an encounter with these types of travellers! May we all have peaceful travels in the future.
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