12 Signs You’re Ready To Have A Travel Grid On Instagram

Travel grids, in my opinion, stand out the most out of any kind of grid on Instagram. There’s something about looking at a travel grid that feels more fulfilling to me than looking at a fashion, makeup, and even food grid. I think a big part of it is the inspiration travel photos offer to those who are itching to fly away from their usual nine-to-five. As human beings, it’s only natural for us to be curious about the unfamiliar and crave experiences that will give our lives more dimension.

Travel photos encourage us to keep dreaming about our ambitions, and at times, act as the fuel we need to pursue our travel goals. Therefore, a travel grid which shows people how beautifully diverse the world can be is not only inspirational to those looking at the photos, but it’s also therapeutic for the Instagrammers who put the world they see into their curated grids. If you’re planning to live a life filled with travel, perhaps you should try it too. You have nothing to lose when you heed these signs you’re ready to have a travel grid on Instagram (IG)!

1. You have plenty of unpublished photos in your phone gallery

And you often wonder what you’re going to do with them. It would be a waste not to show them to other people. So what’s the easiest way to do that? Do you upload them as one album on Facebook (FB)? People hardly look at albums on private FB accounts. Here’s an easy tip: Upload photos as a carousel on IG and share it on FB by linking both social media accounts to each other. You can’t share photos the other way around; upload on IG first, it will save you the effort!

2. You catch yourself being OC on whether or not a photo matches your grid

Have you ever browsed your grid and noticed that one photo that’s like a pimple waiting to be poked? Sometimes we realise late just how much a photo doesn’t look good in our grid. When it has finally annoyed the hell out of us, we either delete the photo or hide it in our archives. Some people may call this nitpicking, but to you, it’s as basic as mopping spilt milk.

3. You plan your grid

To avoid regrets when it comes to your uploads, you’ve decided to download an app wherein you can preview your grid to see if your new photos will match your grid. In travel, planning is key, and it’s no different with your IG grid. You’ll do what it takes to make your personal account appealing and impressive. If you can do this, then your future travel grid has the potential to be another traveller’s peg!

Tip: I recommend the free apps Preview and The Grid if you want to start planning your IG grid before any upload.

4. You have so much to say about your destinations

Travel photos don’t just require a good subject, they need captions too! A statement, long or short, which will explain what your followers are looking at will go a long way in your social media engagements. If you’re someone who has been to places and would like to share what you’ve seen in both words and photos, then your travel grid could become a treasure trove for curious followers.

5. You’re too lazy to upload anything

Lazy Instagrammers, raise your hand! We feel you. But maybe you can use this to your advantage. Since you barely post anyway, why not filter your uploads into travel photos instead? It’ll help you pick a photo faster because you only have travel photos to choose from. Plus, that once in a blue moon, picture-perfect travel photo is what will define your travel grid and make your followers keep coming back for more!

6. Your friends tell you that you take good photos

Throughout the years, your friends have been telling you that the moments you capture on camera keep getting better and better. Have you ever wondered if you may actually have an eye for photography? We can only imagine the beautiful pictures you’ll take if you use that talent for travelling!

7. You know how and when to edit your photos

Oh yes, you know all the editing tricks to make a dull-coloured, iPhone-captured photo look alive, and when NOT to filter a perfectly-taken photograph. You’ve tried and tested countless editing apps only to fall back on two favourites, and your friends ask you to edit their photos for the ‘gram as well. There’s no better place to put those editing skills to use than on travel photos because you can’t stand for photos that don’t do justice to promising destinations!

Tip: The iPhone’s built-in photo editor is actually efficient for beginners. If you want to download free apps, try Photo Editor, Adobe Lightroom CC, and Snapseed.

8. You search for Instagram-worthy places in your destination

Whenever you have free time on your out-of-town trips, you actually make it a point to look your destination up on IG to see if there are any IG-worthy places you can visit. You’re not just going there for the ‘gram, it’s also to see a visually appealing location with your own eyes. It’s still part of the immersive experience, after all.  

9. You plan your travel OOTDs

You don’t just take good photos, you plan on looking good too. You’re aware that your OOTD plays a big role in the composition of your photos, and you’re not about to look like an ordinary tourist when taking photos of yourself with a view. You search tourist attractions online and look at their colour scheme so you can adjust your outfit’s colours accordingly. You’re always ready for the weather because you never want to make the mistake of wearing layers when you could have worn a nice flowy skirt to match the season. If you’re guilty of this, you were born to have a travel grid.

10. You ALWAYS ask your friends to take more than one photo of you

You need safety shots just in case your worst nightmare happens. For you, that would mean going home with what you thought was a perfect photo which turns out to be a blurry one when you zoom in on it. Doesn’t matter that it’s barely visible to the naked eye. You know that it’s blurred when you zoom it in. And you’ve gone through plenty more scenarios of photo fails that just make you cry whenever you remember them.

11. You know how to take good photos with just your smartphone

A good photographer knows that he doesn’t need a professional camera to take beautiful and sharp photos. Smartphones have been giving mirrorless and professional cameras a run for their money since they were introduced to the market. What a photographer needs is an understanding of the subject or the environment that he wants to shoot. If you’ve been resourceful enough to figure this out yourself, you’re ready to capture the world with or without a big camera.

Also read: Travel Photography: 7 Ways To Take Better Photos With Your Smartphone

12. You’ve taken some cues from other travel pages on Instagram

This article wouldn’t have been written if not for the inspirational travel pages on IG. You’ve searched them, admired them, liked them, and now you’ve learned from them. You’ve learned how landscapes are supposed to be captured, how people should place themselves under light and shadow, what a good “candid” moment looks like, and many more. Consciously or unconsciously you’ve taken cues, now make them count.

Also read: Must-Follow Filipino Instagrammers To Inspire Your Travel Goals

After going over this list, do you think you’re ready to have a travel grid? We wish you all the best, and we’re looking forward to seeing your page in the future. If you already have a travel grid, hit us up on our Instagram and we’ll follow back!


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