Is This You: 9 Types of People You’ll Love Travelling With

Travelling is much more fun when you’re with a group of friends or your family. But not all of us are the same kind of travellers. Despite this, we still strive to be the type that other people would love to travel with. Do you see yourself on the list of people we love travelling with?

Also read: 8 Types of People You Hate Travelling With

1. The organiser

The organiser is by definition, the one who plans your itinerary, accommodation, and schedule. This person can also be the timekeeper and early riser who keeps everyone on their feet. Your family or barkada vacation would never be the awesome trip that it is without this person. So, be thankful for these people, and take it easy on your requests!

2. The resource person

This person is also the “street smart” individual who can be resourceful when things don’t go as planned. He or she knows where to go, who to ask, where to eat, underrated destinations, and they will know interesting facts about a certain place not known to many. You’ve got yourself problem solvers right here! Make sure to listen to them.

3. The chill traveller

“Guys, relax. Kaya natin ito.”

When everyone starts to panic, this person keeps everyone grounded. And sometimes, that’s all the encouragement you need to solve whatever problem you encounter on your travels. The chill traveller’s relaxed vibe can be contagious, and that’s definitely a heaven-sent blessing.

4. The positive thinker

The positive thinkers go hand in hand with the chill travellers. While the chill travellers calm everyone down when things go wrong, the positive thinkers keep their chin up the whole time, not only when trouble arises.  They try to see the good things that are happening even though your passport has gotten lost, even though you didn’t make it to your paid tour, and even though you’re all “hangry” from all the walking, exploring, and thinking, positive thinkers don’t complain. They just appreciate.

5. Mr./Ms. Practical

“Guys, let’s think this through. Hindi pwede basta-basta nalang.”

We all need this person in our travelling group, or rather, we need to BE this person in our travelling group, especially if everyone’s just too excited. Mr./Ms. Practical helps the organiser keep everyone on time and the spending within the budget. These are the people who tend to play safe if they really think it’s necessary. If they can keep accidents or any misfortunes from happening while you’re travelling, they’ll do what they can.

6. The spontaneous adventurer

This person may often butt heads with Mr./Ms. Practical. Spontaneous people love thinking out of the box and doing things that weren’t necessarily agreed upon in the first place. Having a person like this in your group can be a lot of fun. Spontaneous adventurers keep things exciting, and doing unplanned activities can lead to better and more memorable experiences for everyone. They just have to make sure they compromise with practicality if need be.

7. The photographer

Everyone loves a good photographer, and how lucky would you be if you have a travel buddy who is. The photographer is used to being the one to capture fun, sweet, and candid moments on your travels. Photographers have already gotten used to being behind the camera and accepted the fact that they’re most probably the ones coming out of the journey with the least pictures of themselves. It’s no biggie, they’re happy to see their friends happy with great photos.

8. The navigator

“Nawawala na ata tayo. Akin na yung mapa.”

The great navigator to the rescue! Whenever your travelling group is lost, you always have this person to rely on because everyone knows he or she can read maps like a pro. This person is the backbone of your barkada. If you have no sense of direction, keep this friend close to you at all times.

9. The night owl

This one is the spontaneous adventurer’s partner in crime…at night. A lover of nightlife, the night owl is restless when everyone’s back in their hotel rooms and getting much-needed rest. Night owls always want to experience the city or town, go to the bar for drinks, meet new people,  or simply walk the quiet streets to savour the night scene. If the spontaneous adventurers can’t get what they want during the day, they make up for it with the night owls at night.

Also read: 7 Reasons Why Travelling is a True Test of Friendship

We all play different parts when we’re travelling with our family and friends. So, which role do you play best?

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