Seat Sales: Why We Hate Them Just As Much As We Love Them

For travellers who make it a point to save up for trip after trip, there’s no denying that seat sale season is among our favourite times of the year.

There’s also no denying that we dread them just as much as we look forward to them!

We get our hopes up every time a sale rolls around — only to be utterly disappointed time and time again. And yet, whenever we see photos of our friends exploring hot new destinations, we think, “How did they afford to get there?” Each time we ask, we always seem to get the same answer: seat sale.

Surely, one of these days we’re bound to get lucky, too?

As we gear up for some of this year’s biggest seat sales, we’re reminded of just how much of a nuisance they can be. Scroll down to mentally prepare yourself for the anguish!

1. They start at 12am

For those who love their beauty sleep, seat sales require getting up in the middle of the night or delaying our bedtime for several hours. If you’re not up at 12am sharp, you’re more than likely to risk losing a good deal.

2. The dreaded crash

Nothing can compare to the frustration of making sure to get everything just right — setting your alarm, logging on to the URL a few minutes before the clock strikes 12 (ready to refresh at 12am on the dot!), and setting up camp where you know your WiFi connection never fails — only to have the website crash as soon as the sale begins.

Cue: angry, repeated hits on the refresh button until the website finally and successfully loads.

3. It can take hours to find the one 

Looking for the perfect round trip may sound simple at first, but you’ll find it takes a lot of trial and error. You may have copped your desired outbound trip — but what about your flight home? You might also find that some of the most affordable flights depart at the most inconvenient timings! The possibilities are nearly endless.

4. You’re pressured to think and work as fast as possible

There are millions of flights up for grabs — what are the chances that a whole bunch of people are eyeing the exact same flights you want? Reality check: The chances are incredibly high. While you’re combing through tons of different options and sorting through every pro and con, there is always the looming possibility that your desired flights will soon be sold out. The competition is on.

5. You’re not always able to find a good deal

After all your efforts… there’s nothing like the disappointment that comes when you can’t find a good deal despite the advertised “million” discounted seats up for grabs. Either the good ones were quickly sold out, or the available fares didn’t turn out quite as affordable as you expected them to be.

6. There are times when there’s no choice but to give up

You’ve spent enough time trying to find a good deal. It’s time to face the music: There’s nothing there for you. With a heavy heart, you go back to saving up for the regular-priced round trip you’ve been eyeing for a while now.

7. You know that when the next sale comes around, you’ll still be doing it all over again

Because there’s never any harm in trying. And truthfully, as much as we hate seat sales — we really do love them!

If you’re a traveller who loves getting your money’s worth, make sure to check out our travel deals section, and join our flight deals group on Facebook!

Also read: Travel Opportunities Filipinos Can Look Forward To This 2019

Here’s hoping things go your way this time around!

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About Author

Gabriella Salud

With the intention of pursuing a career in medicine, Gaby got her bachelor of science degree in psychology—and proceeded to follow her passion for writing instead. A former editorial assistant at Metro Society magazine, she loves to hear people's stories and tell them through her writing.

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