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Karen Ann Abad

1 Posts

Kaye loves expressing her thoughts through writing, photography, and painting. She used to be living in a vacuum and has finally spread her wings to see the world, one city at a time. Follow her epiphanies and adventures on her newly launched blog, <a href="https://chasingdreamswithkaye.wordpress.com/" title="Chasing Dreams with Kaye">Chasing Dreams with Kaye</a>, and on her Instagram: <a href="https://instagram.com/ayenabad" title="@ayenabad">@ayenabad</a>.

image for article London Calling: A 9-Day UK Itinerary for First-Time Pinoy Travellers
Trip PlanningLondon Calling: A 9-Day UK Itinerary for First-Time Pinoy Travellers
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