Celine is the other half of the blog <a href="http://theforeverhoneymooners.com/"> The Forever Honeymooners</a> where her husband, Jaysen provides photos. Her days are mostly filled with a corporate job, trying hard to be an ideal wife, and the best mother to a furry monster named Loki. The rest are spent daydreaming. She believes that travelling is the best teacher and best investment one can ever make.
Carla is a free spirited individual that has a lifelong conquest to travel the world. Wanderlust consumes her. She makes sure her travel dreams turn into plans and her plans turn into reality. Follow her as she wanders the world at <a href="https://tigerwanders.com/">Tigerwanders</a>.
Jundy is an IT Professional, Research and Development Supervisor, travel enthusiast, adventure seeker and occasionally a blogger. He happily shares his experiences traversing the Philippines and some other Asian countries. He does not have a passion and talent for writing but he loves telling stories. Stories that might help aspiring travellers on their next journey to undiscovered wonders of the Philippines. The love of feeling lost and finding his way home inspires him to travel. It is also his way of rejuvenating after a demanding work.
Riza is a college professor by profession and an artist by passion. She imagines herself a sea nymph and a forest fairy trapped in a human body who vows to protect nature, be it in water or land. She enjoys crafting, writing, and making a difference in every place that she goes to—one travel at a time.
Young but extremely adventurous best describes Natalia. When not researching or playing online games, she's exploring the world wherever her feet bring her. Natalia’s ebullient belief in life was inspired by the words her mother once told her, that is - "Do what you want, and you won't regret not doing it someday".
Jason Gotuato writes technical reports during the day and travel stories at night - an engineer by profession and a traveller by heart. He has done a lot of crazy stuff from diving between the North American and Eurasian plates to jumping out of a plane. He’s on a quest to conquer this world and bring out the adventurer in all of us. Take a peek of his adventures and find him at <a href="http://www.wheresjason.com/">Where's Jason</a>.
Raya Sioson has a heart of a child - naive and hungry for adventures and explorations. She writes at <a href="https://travelswithpauandraya.wordpress.com/">The Wandering Roomies</a> as a record and memento of the places she has been to. Together with her ex roommate and co-writer, Paula, they use their blog to keep in touch and to further explore their new room - the world!
Rowena Getutua is an introvert, a bookworm, a night owl and a cat lady. She likes to explore, experience new adventures, and find hidden treasures. She's fond of historical sites and she aims to help preserve our heritage by maintaining a blog about it in <a href="http://www.quackit.com">Heritage Wanderings</a>.
Mark is a CPA by profession but a wanderer by nature. He travels to different places in the most budget-friendly way. Follow his adventures on <a href="https://www.instagram.com/thelonebudgettraveler/">@thelonebudgettraveler</a> and <a href="https://thelonebudgettraveler.wordpress.com/">THELONEBUDGETTRAVELER</a>.
Livi is an ambassador of the world, at least to her friends and colleagues. She fuses her passion, tech skills, and experiences to come up with creative ideas fit for her job as a web & graphic designer. On weekends, she tags her boyfriend along and together, they discover the world. Traveling adds fuel to her passion in photography. Check out the adventures of her <a href="http://www.livibautista.com/">Little Feet</a>.
Carol is a fun-loving individual who loves immersing herself in different cultures and exploring new destinations with her family and friends. With an affinity for off the beaten path locations, she enjoys planning trips around her home country and abroad.
Quez is a Pinay blogger of the world. She is an ambassador of positive change whose main goal is to empower people thru self-discovery while travelling. She writes her travel experiences to become an instrument in transforming people to find the importance in everything including the beauty of the world and the language of the universe. Read more of her adventures at <a href="http://anatomyoftheawesome.com/">Anatomy of the Awesome</a>.
When clocked out from her corporate job, Janice is either at the beach watching sunrise and sunset or on the mountain enjoying a bird's eye view. She believes that travelling shouldn't have to be expensive, it just got to be planned. That's why she started writing the "Tales of Wandering on a Budget", follow her journey at <a href="http://www.janiceinwanderland.com">Janice in Wanderland</a>.
She is a single-no-problem traveller who loves getting along with new people, going to new places and experiencing new adventures. Travelling is her way of worship, praising God who made all the wonderful places and people in the world.
Beverly is a registered nurse who loves to pack her world in a backpack and say yes to every adventure! A firm believer of the law of attraction, she spends her free time drinking tea while daydreaming of waking up in different cities and travelling in space. Follow her tales of misadventures and travels on her blog, <a href="http://mydoseofwanderlust.com/">My Dose of Wanderlust</a>.