Good News: Filipinos Now Have Easier Access to Argentina Visa

Good news for Filipinos wanting to visit South America — it’s now easier to be granted an Argentina visa.

The Philippines has been included on a list of countries that have access to Argentina’s Autorizacion Electronica de Viajes (AVE) system. This means that Filipinos no longer need to visit an Argentine embassy to obtain an Argentina visa. All they have to do is apply for one online.

What you’ll need to get an Argentina visa easily

But here’s the catch: It’s only easier for Filipinos who already have a non-immigrant B2 United States visa. In layman’s terms? A US visitor or tourist visa grants you easy access to an Argentina visa.

“The inclusion of the Philippines on this list is seen to increase tourism and people-to-people exchanges, especially as more Filipinos develop a taste for traveling to new destinations,” the Philippine Embassy in Buenos Aires said in a statement.

Sights you’ll see with an Argentina visa

But don’t let that discourage you, if you’ve yet to get a US tourist visa for yourself. The inclusion of the Philippines in Argentina’s AVE system is a pretty good sign that Filipino travellers are finally getting global recognition.

To tempt you to take that leap and head to Argentina soon, here are a few of the majestic sights you’ll see in the South American marvel.

Bear witness to the stunning scenery at Aconcagua Park in Mendoza, Argentina. In addition to impressive flora and fauna, you’ll see sweeping views of the mountainside.
Buenos Aires’ quaint cafes and shops are definitely IG-worthy. Aside from this, you’ll also get to taste the local cuisine.
The country’s colourful Latin American culture is something you should experience in this lifetime.
This is what will greet you in Argentina: Breathtaking architecture in all its cities.
Among other features, natural wonders in Argentina’s provinces like the Iguazú Falls in Misiones are what make the country a gem. | Image credit: EmanuelArgentino1982

You know what to do next. Apply for that Argentina Visa, stat. They say a very rare total solar eclipse is happening in Argentina this 2019. That would be the perfect excuse to arrange a holiday! Read more about it here.

Also read: A One-Week Itinerary: What to See and Do in Buenos Aires, Argentina

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About Author

Alyosha Robillos

In Russia, Alyosha is a boy's name popularised by literary greats Dostoevsky and Tolstoy—but this particular Alyosha is neither Russian nor a boy. She is a writer from the Philippines who loves exploring the world as much as she likes staying at home. Her life's mission is to pet every friendly critter there is. When she isn't busy doing that, she sniffs out stories and scribbles away on the backs of old receipts. She is an advocate of many things: culture and heritage, the environment, skincare and snacking, to name a few. She will work for lifetime supplies of french fries and coffee. Or yogurt. Or cheese, preferably Brie.

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