Our favourite places to stay on this sleepy Cebu island.
Contributed by Camera and Cheese
I have wanted to volunteer for Gawad Kalinga (GK) for such a long time. However, I was busy at school, I was preoccupied organising events for my org and even until I was already working, I always found excuses to not do it. Come March 2016, I was out of job. I did not have anything meaningful to do and I was always either wasting money or sleeping. I contacted a friend and asked if I could volunteer and he said yes. I did a little proofreading on some communications, edited photos for tarpaulins and made a poster; but the highlight was the Bayani Challenge 2016 in .
What is GK? The organization’s website describes itself in the simplest words; that GK “is a Philippine-based movement that aims to end poverty for 5 million families, by first restoring the dignity of the poor.” If you’ve never heard of them or if you are still undecided if you should join, here are 10 reasons why you should volunteer at Gawad Kalinga’s Bayani (Hero) Challenge.
Also read: Volunteering in the Philippines: 5 Nonprofit Organizations to Get Involved In
Disclaimer: This article talks about my own accounts of the event and why I think you should volunteer too. I am not a GK staff and I do not represent the organisation. This was my first time to join and I am not, by any means, claiming to be a “hero” or a saint. Haha. Just putting it out there.
I literally only had one friend. Yes, I knew some other people, they were familiar and I’ve met a few of them; but I did not have friends. Meeting new people is not really my cup of tea and I’m not exactly the most approachable person either. But in just a few hours, I was laughing and joking around with these girls from Cebu. And after a while, other people started talking to me which was weird and uncomfortable at first. What I’m trying to say is, if you come to volunteer alone, don’t worry because you will make new friends.
The Bayani Challenge is a community-based initiative. That means, people from the community are active participants and all the programs of GK were based on what the community says. When you visit a site, you can immerse in the community and be one with the locals. You will be able to interact with them, learn about their everyday lives and listen to their stories while also exchanging yours.
Sometimes, we are too caught up in our own lives. We have tendencies of making ourselves the only heroes of our own stories. We forget that we are part of a bigger community. How about trying to be the hero of a much bigger cause? I admire the people who make up GK. They have the biggest hearts, and pure dedication and commitment.
When you volunteer for the Bayani Challenge, you don’t only help rebuild the community, you also get to explore the hidden treasures of the sites. For example, we did a coastal clean-up at Barangay Nagaja only to find an astonishing view of the beach!
Also read: Escape the Crowd: These 10 Beaches in Eastern Visayas are Totally Unspoilt
Image credit: Jon Piczon
One of the activities during Bayani Challenge 2016 was the Paraisong Pambata (Paradise for Children). Everyday, you can choose to volunteer to help facilitate activities for children like sports clinic, dance class and art class among others. If you love kids, you’ll definitely enjoy Paraisong Pambata.
Image credit: Jon Piczon
Every night of the five-day event, there’s a Kalinga Night a.k.a. talent show a.k.a. sharing night. Anyone, literally anyone can go up stage and present his/her/their talent/s. I remember seeing one boy who performed for three nights! Talk about confidence. Haha! Kidding aside, Kalinga night is dedicated for volunteers and even beneficiaries to relax, let loose and have fun.
I am not, by any means, a good dancer. I would say I am frustrated at it but I hate dancing in front of a crowd. My friends would know. However, when you volunteer for the Bayani Challenge, you will have to learn how to dance. Every year, there’s a theme song for the Challenge and every year, a Unity Dance is choreographed. I can’t remember how many times we had to do the Dance in one day; once in the morning after waking up, a few more times during activities, and a lot of times during Kalinga Night. If you’d ever feel embarrassed, don’t worry, you’re not the only one. Let’s dance!
When you volunteer, you have to be ready to sleep in a tent, or on the floor of an elementary classroom, there won’t be any “clean” toilets and bathrooms, you won’t find any chocolate cakes around the corner; okay this sounds like I’m talking to myself. But the point is, it’s not going to be luxurious and you won’t get paid. I hope I didn’t discourage you. Don’t worry, the best parts come right after this.
When I left for , I asked myself several times if it was really what I wanted to do. I told myself I would go “soul searching.” I’m not even going to delve deep into that but I felt as if I was only escaping and not really facing my problems head on. But when I came home after four days (I had to go home early for some school work), I felt renewed. Chos. No really, I admit, I did not “find myself” but I did not lose myself either. I just felt more enthusiastic about life. I was inspired. Everyday not just when I volunteer, I am reminded that my problems compared to others are nowhere near unsolvable and there I was complaining about my life when other people didn’t even have roofs over their heads.
By 2024, GK will end poverty for five million families in the Philippines! Many would be too skeptical but the people who make up GK are clear in their mission. By volunteering, you can help end poverty for families who are in dire need.
Find the nearest Gawad Kalinga site near you, check out their website at www.gk1world.com or visit their official Facebook page.
#GawadKalinga #BayaniChallenge #WalangIwanan #EndPoverty
Also read: Why Volunteer Abroad?
There is a reason why they call it Bayani Challenge. When you volunteer, you help rebuild communities, you help put smiles on people’s faces, you help them gain more faith and most importantly, you give them HOPE. With GK, you can be a hero too. Join the next Bayani Challenge! Ciao!
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