The promise of new flavours beckons from Banawe.
These days, having proof that you’ve been vaccinated against COVID-19 is highly essential. It’s now a need for travel purposes, as well as entry to establishments like shopping malls and restaurants. Now that cinemas are slowly opening up again, it’s also a requirement to enter movie theatres. This being said, it’s important to always keep proof of vaccination handy — whether it’s your vaccine card, a photo of it, or your digital vaccination certificate from VaxCertPH.
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For those who are still unfamiliar with it, VaxCertPH is the official digital vaccination certificate (DVC) for those vaccinated in the Philippines, including Filipinos and non-Filipinos. This vaccination certificate is issued online free of charge, and was designed to comply with the World Health Organization’s Digital Documentation of COVID-19 Certificates (DDCC) guidelines.
VaxCertPH may be used for travel purposes, both for international and domestic trips, depending on the destination. At the time of writing, it has yet to become a requirement for local travel, as physical vaccination cards (including those issued by one’s LGU) are still welcomed.
For international travel, VaxCertPH is currently accepted as proof of vaccination in 30 countries. As of 26 Jan 2022, they are as follows:
Do note, however, that the accepted vaccines vary per country or territory. Be sure to read up on your chosen destination’s entry regulations and protocols when planning your travels.
If you’re at least 48 hours past getting the second or additional dose of your COVID-19 vaccine, you may already generate your VaxCertPH. You can choose to do so either online or at an official VaxCertPH booth.
Simply visit and provide the following information:
After filling up the forms, review the information you’ve provided, then generate your digital vaccine certificate. You may add your passport number if you’ll be using it for travel purposes.
You can download a copy as a PDF or JPG file, take a screenshot of it, or print it out. Should you choose to print out your VaxCertPH, be sure that the QR code is clear and large enough to be scanned.
Select LGUs have official VaxCertPH booths. To receive assistance in person, visit the booth of the LGU of your COVID-19 vaccination site.
At the time of writing, here’s where you can find these booths:
“No Vaccination Record Found.” If this prompt comes out and you’re unable to generate your VaxCertPH, it may be because of the following reasons:
If you entered the correct information and are 48 hours past receiving your final COVID-19 vaccine dose, upload the following documents and information on the VaxCertPH website:
You will be notified via your provided email or contact number once your request has been completed. If not, you may contact the LGU where you were vaccinated to ask for assistance; you may also get in touch with VaxCertPH the following contact details:
Does your VaxCertPH list the wrong name, date, sex, or vaccine information? If upon reviewing your information, you find that your details were incorrectly encoded, you can have these updated by clicking the “Update Record” option. You’ll be asked to provide the correct information, along with a photo of your vaccine card and a government-issued ID, plus your contact details.
Through the “Update Record” option, you can also update your existing VaxCertPH with the information for your booster dose.
The Bureau of Quarantine International Certificate of Vaccination (ICV), also known as the BOQ Yellow Card, indicates an individual’s vaccination status against diseases that include COVID-19. On the other hand, VaxCertPH specifically certifies a person’s COVID-19 vaccination status, for those who’ve been inoculated in the Philippines.
The BOQ Yellow Card is only available to those with confirmed international travel plans and costs about ₱370; meanwhile, VaxCertPH is available for free to all those who’ve received their COVID-19 vaccine in the Philippines.
As not all countries accept VaxCertPH, you may have to acquire a BOQ Yellow Card depending on your chosen destination. Always make sure to study your destination’s travel requirements and protocols. To learn more about how to secure a Bureau of Quarantine ICV, check out this article.
Also read: Who Can Get an International Vaccine Certificate for COVID-19?
Have you secured your VaxCertPH yet? For the most updated information, visit VaxCertPH’s official website.
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