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Danielle Uy

524 Posts

If Disney were creative enough to let Mulan and Melody procreate, Danielle would be that child. From an early age, she has dreamt of becoming a purposeful revolutionary... and an unruly mermaid. While Danielle hasn't held a sword in her lifetime, she feels powerful enough with her byline. Her creative energy is fueled by many things: the quiet right before the rest of the world wakes up, the orange sky as the sun rises during an uncrowded morning surf, the beautiful bitter taste of black coffee, and the threatening reminder of a pending deadline.

image for article AirAsia Flight Attendants Get Married Onboard a Flight to Boracay
TrendingAirAsia Flight Attendants Get Married Onboard a Flight to Boracay
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“I envisioned Micah walking down the aisle wearing her lovely gown, not her cabin crew uniform.”

image for article Bambike Resumes Operations in the New Normal
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Here’s a cheap but fun date idea!