A glass act.
While devoting her daytime in managing their family business, Stella spends her nights carefully planning her next adventures and composing short stories. She is in love with hole-in-the-wall destinations and writes about her quests on her online journal <a href="https://www.herbravesoul.com">Her Brave Soul</a>.
Sip your lattes somewhere new this weekend!
Because you deserve to chill!
South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore and the Philippines.
Relive your childhood and make more memories with your siblings while travelling!
Ready yourselves for this year’s Eigasai!
You have to make sacrifices too.
The Philippine tourist arrivals increased by a whopping 12.35%!
Goodbye stamps, and goodbye long lines at Immigration counters.
A glass act.
It will ready by 2035.
Be safe on the road this holiday season!
Easier travel for the holidays.
Slightly behind target.