8 Photography Tips For You And Your Travel Buddy

So, this is the situation: You decided to travel with just one person this time. No one else is joining the fun. You think that it’s so exciting because you are sharing your love for travel, right? But there’s a catch: your travel buddy has a reputation for being useless behind the camera. It’s either the photos are blurred, or clicking the camera when your smile isn’t awkward is too much to ask. So, what do you do? Do you back out or go with the flow? We say go for it because we have some photography tips when your travel buddy sucks at taking photos of you!

1. Breathe and relax

Oh no! It’s probably just the first day. Please give your travel buddy a break. Maybe your camera isn’t something that your friend is comfortable using in taking good photos. Don’t make things complicated right away. Make going into beast mode your last option. We’re not saying that you have to be in denial, but you have to give your friend a chance to warm up, too, okay? Repeat after us: It gets better.

Also read: The Secret to Taking Travel Photos – 20 Tips to Keep in Mind

2. Bring a tripod

You need to prepare this before the trip. Set your camera on a timer or get a Bluetooth device. You don’t need anyone to take a good photo of you, do you? You are a strong and independent traveller, don’t forget that. But if you think you can use a little audience participation, maybe you can ask your partner to press the button for you? We are sure that your travel buddy will be happy to do that.

3. Teach your travel buddy the basics

Travelling together is a two-way relationship. Do you want to have great photos? Then you have to teach your cameraman how to do that. Show your travel buddy how to use your phone or camera correctly with the proper lighting. Maybe that’s the only thing you both need for a perfect photo session.

Also read: Travel Photography: 7 Ways to Take Better Photos with your Smartphone

4. Show your photo pegs

Oh yes, this one should be foolproof. You can get your photo pegs from the Internet and bring them with you when you travel. That way, your friend can quickly follow the framing, angle, and then you’re good to go. Visualisation works wonders! Another tip is that you take the shot with your buddy in the frame and then use it is as a mock-up. Genius, right?

5. Take bad photos of your travel buddy…

Is your travel buddy good-humoured? If yes, then payback time is in order. Did you know that you’re “allowed” to sabotage your travel buddy’s photos when the camera is finally in your hands? You can play the game if you want to. Besides, who doesn’t want a killer photo of their friend for the best Facebook birthday greeting ever? We do!

6. Set the record straight! Agree that you will not be taking each other’s photos

If you take pictures seriously, please save yourself from any brawl (Really? For a photo?). Going separate ways would probably be a better setup for you both. Travel together, but each other’s pictures will be none of your businesses. Sounds good? Great! Problem solved.

7. Understand that it might be your fault (or other external factors) that your photos are failing

We don’t mean to be rude, but have you ever thought that it’s probably because of you that your travel buddy is struggling so much when it comes to taking photos? Maybe it’s also hard for you to mimic that jump shot in your photo peg. Or perhaps, the light isn’t perfect today, or your camera is already begging for a replacement. Your friend might not be a professional photographer but he or she is not a magician either! Try putting yourself in your buddy’s shoes, and it will be easier to empathise.

8. Accept the fact that travel is not just about having good photos

Without a doubt, having a bunch of travel photos would be fun. It’s a happy problem when your camera’s memory card is full, and you have to buy a new one during your trip. Photos are always excellent conversation starters, after all. But whether it’s you or your travel buddy that’s preventing you from having Instagrammable images, that’s not supposed to make your travel experience any less exciting. Sometimes, it’s better to drop the cameras and enjoy the view, instead.

Also read: On Sharing Travel Photos: Inspiring or Depressing?

Travelling with your friends or family can sometimes be daunting. There’s a lot of things to consider aside from your different interests and characters. But we hope that not being gifted with a great eye in photography won’t result in F.O. after your trip! How about making the journey your time for some heart to heart talk? What if you concentrate on savouring the moment? Take those bloopers lightly and that way, you’ll enjoy your vacation more.

Did we miss some tips? Let us know what you do, and we might add it to our list!

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About Author

Stella Marie Encina

While devoting her daytime in managing their family business, Stella spends her nights carefully planning her next adventures and composing short stories. She is in love with hole-in-the-wall destinations and writes about her quests on her online journal <a href="https://www.herbravesoul.com">Her Brave Soul</a>.

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