5 Tell-Tale Signs That You Need a Break From Travelling

Can we ever get enough of travelling? Probably not! 

That said, it’s still possible to overwork yourself. From getting sick with food poisoning to experiencing altitude sickness, travelling can land you in serious trouble if you aren’t careful. Once you hit a wall that prevents you from doing what you want to do, it’s sometimes better to take a healthy break from travelling, rather than let fatigue catch up with you. Here are the signs that you may be pushing yourself too hard. 

1. You feel disengaged with your surroundings

You remember starting your adventure with so much energy; wide-eyed and ready to take photos of every little thing you saw. But towards the end of your journey, something has changed. You take longer to rise from bed, not at all ready to take on the next walking tour. Suddenly, you find it difficult to focus on activities that would normally excite you. What happened? 

Lost in the whirlwind of moving from one place to the next, the lack of drive usually comes from an overload of stress and too much commotion. If you are too tired from yesterday’s activities, it is easier to become desensitised to the attractions around you. 

And if exploring new places loses its charm entirely, consider the possibility that you may be burnt out, and what you really need is a break from travelling.

Also read: This Sucks: Travel Burnout & How I Dealt With It

2. You begin to neglect the essential things

This usually happens during the tail end of a journey. We start to count the days by activities and sights. Sometimes, we no longer remember what day it is. Is it Sunday or Tuesday? We have no idea anymore! 

It might sound funny now, but when you are so sleepless or exhausted from travelling, all the days appear to blur together. Without realising it, you start to neglect the important things. You take shortcuts on food — perhaps even skipping meals altogether. In turn, you become sluggish, forgetful, impatient, and, at times, irritable. 

Watch out for these signs of fatigue, as they are usually your body’s way of asking you to take things easy and slow down a little. This way, you could use a clean break from travelling. And hopefully soon, you’ll be ready to set off again! 

3. You get sick or seriously injured

It’s easy to take your health for granted sometimes, but your passport will only take you as far as your body will allow. Just when you think you’re doing alright — creeeeeak! You find out that your back did not enjoy the hostel accommodations as much as you did, or your knee is about to give out from too much walking.  

For many Filipinos, we know that we need a break from too much travelling when our feet are painful and sore from having visited so many attractions. Our bodies, once energetic and outgoing, are just about ready to collapse. 

Thus, it’s important to attend to your body’s needs, because an ailment or affliction can end your trip prematurely. When your energy starts to dwindle and you feel headaches and muscle pains, these are tell-tale indications that your body wants you to stop moving and just rest. 

Also read: Why You Should Give Slow Travel a Chance 

4. You’ve run out of resources to sustain your travels

Travelling comes at a cost — or, rather, many costs! Depending on how skilled you are at budgeting, the accumulation of expenses can catch up to you at a slower rate than most people. 

Still, there comes a point where you know you are reaching the natural end of your trip, because it would simply be impossible to prolong it any longer. At least, not without burning a hole through your (already depleted) bank account. 

Just as our day-to-day financial expenses can wear us down, the tolls of travelling can have a snowball effect on us, too! You can try to live on cup noodles to keep the party going, but your body pays the price. And so, when the cost of travelling is too high to prolong it any longer, that’s when it’s probably time to head home. 

5. You miss home too much

We’ve written about homesickness before, and how it is not simply about longing for your home or even your home country. Instead, a part of you is looking for the comforts of routine, and the familiar solitude you have worked hard to establish around you. This is the environment that keeps us grounded and gives us a sense of calm. 

Often, there’s a thrill when you strike out on the first day. But when the early excitement turns into yearning for your life at home, that’s a sign that it’s time to reunite with your comfy duvet, and take a refreshing break from this activity that you love so dearly. 

Also read: How Filipinos Can Spend the Holidays Abroad Without Feeling Homesick

Of course, if it turns out that you don’t need a break from travelling after all, that’s cool, too! We wish you clear skies and sunny days in all of your future trips to come. For more tips on healthy and stress-free travel, be sure to keep your eyes on our page!

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About Author

Tiffany Conde

Author at TripZilla

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