A Shopaholic’s Confession: The Emotional Stages of Online Shopping

If there’s one thing I’m guilty about, it would definitely have to be my online shopping habit. Whenever I start to think I’ve moved on to embrace a more minimalist lifestyle, I end up finding myself lured back into that black hole, all thanks to a few magic words: Sale, cashback, and — best of all — free shipping. (I’m currently imagining these words being whispered into my ear, ASMR style. Can you hear it, too?)

As my wallet has started to suffer due to my little addiction, I’ve been forced to stop and think hard about how to break the vicious cycle that has taken over my life (fine, my savings). In the process, I’ve put together a list of all the many emotional stages I go through while online shopping. Fellow shopaholics, this one’s for you!

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The emotional stages of online shopping

It all starts with a single click

Image credit: William Iven

… But what exactly triggers it? Well, it could be anything. An ad you came across on social media; a great product review from a friend or family member. Maybe you simply needed to buy something and proceeded to search for the best option on the market. Or, worst of all — sometimes, that first click is triggered by nothing but boredom… But leads to a seemingly endless addiction. #Guilty

You end up exploring the rest of the online store

Image credit: DISRUPTIVO

Eventually, you thank and curse whoever it was that decided to add product recommendations to online shopping sites. You just needed one item, but the store you chose decided to tempt you with an entire lineup of “Similar Products” and “Products You Might Like”. How rude of them! But also, how could you possibly resist? (*Mentally slaps self*)

And then you wonder: Do I really need this? Is my money worth it?

You see the amount of items on your wish list; and when you calculate your total, you start having second thoughts. A series of questions come to your head, but the most important is this one: Can I live without buying it? 

You try to sleep on it

When you ask a few of your more sensible friends for their opinion, this is usually what they tell you: “Give it a few days to think it over.” So, you try. But…

You can’t stop thinking about it


Image credit: Gaelle Marcel

If other people believe in giving it a few days let the temptation pass you by, your mindset looks more like this: The more days that slip by, the greater the chances that the item you want to buy will soon be sold out. And you just can’t have that happen.

Ika nga nila, never give up on something you can’t go a day without thinking about. The saying totally applies to online shopping, right?

So, you add it to your cart

And nothing has ever felt quite as sweet. You feel quite proud of yourself for making an informed decision. If there’s one thing the past days have taught you, it’s that you won’t ever forgive yourself for not adding this to your cart.

… Uh oh! You didn’t meet the minimum for free shipping

Ah, the age-old online shopping dilemma: What’s more worth it, paying for shipping or finding another item to buy (that probably costs more than the shipping, anyway)? More often than not, you’re a sucker for free shipping — so you add yet another item to your cart. RIP, wallet.

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You finally proceed with your purchase — yay!

After all that serious decision-making, it hath finally been done. And though your account balance isn’t looking so good, you feel a sense of relief knowing that you were able to cop your items before they were sold out. Good job, self!

Now, the waiting game

Image credit: Anthony Tran

While it’s easy to think that there’s not much delayed gratification involved when it comes to online shopping, the wait for your haul to arrive is still pretty inevitable. Patience, dear self. (*Stares into space, impatiently waiting for my package to arrive*)

But wait — your online shopping haul finally arrives *screams*

Ah, online shopping has never felt sweet, you think to yourself every time a new purchase makes it to your doorstep. It’s just like receiving a gift for yourself, from yourself, and nothing gets you quite as giddy. You feel a little starstruck when you finally open it  — because here it is.  The item you’ve been thinking about and gazing at photos of for so long is finally in front of you, in the flesh. Alexa, play the “Hallelujah” chorus!

*Beep* Did you just get a notification about a… sale?

Just when you thought your wallet could finally recover from that last purchase, you get notified about an upcoming sale. So of course, you can’t miss out… Or can you?

Oh hey, it’s payday…

Which means #TreatYoSelf, am I right? (After putting some savings away, of course. Don’t forget.)

… And the cycle repeats.

Also read: 7 Life Investments You Should Secure Before Travelling the World

Well, shopaholics — did I get it right? Can you relate? If anyone can send help, please do!

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