Missing Travel During COVID-19? Here’s What You Can Do

With the ramifications of the COVID-19 outbreak, it’s been an especially tough period for us wanderlustful souls. While being restricted from travelling isn’t the worst thing happening right now, we can’t deny that this community quarantine does leave us frustrated.

Like many of you, I also had to cancel several travel plans because of this crisis. For the first few days of the community quarantine, I was a very bitter traveller. My itchy feet just needed to explore the world, you know what I mean? But after a while, I came to accept what was happening and instead pushed myself to focus on my travel goals — even while staying home. And believe me when I say that you can do it, too!

1. Save up for your travel fund

Finally, the time has arrived! Your endless cycle of work-travel-repeat has been forcibly put on hold, and now your wallet has time to breathe. As for me, the first thing I did when I started pushing myself to feel better during the community quarantine was to go back to my budget tracker.

I knew that my spending habits were getting a bit out of control since the start of the year. I just didn’t want to accept it because that would mean I needed to lie low on my biggest expense: travelling.

But now, we have no choice! Let’s all together look (and cringe) at our budget trackers so we can start improving our financial behaviour. Think of it as preparing for your next big trip!

Also read: Travel Fund 101: 9 Ways I Save Up For My Next Travel

2. Review your packing checklist

If you’re still scrambling every time you’re packing for a trip, then now is the time for you to KonMari the way out of your messy packing life. Curate your travel essentials so that you can grab-and-go as soon as you’re allowed to fly!

Grab a piece of paper and list down everything you’ll need for a basic weekend trip (i.e. shower kit with travel-sized toiletries, beach kit with a sunscreen bar, etc.). Decant what you can until you have the perfect travel kits ready for your next vacay!

Also read: Tag a Friend: Organising Tips for Messy Travellers

3. Shop (online!) for travel essentials

After doing some travel-related accounting, you’ll have a clearer perspective of which travel items you need. Fortunately, now is a great time to invest in some big travel purchases.

As summer collections start rolling in, many retailers put their items on sale for the whole of March. We suggest that you keep your eyes peeled for heavily discounted digital cameras, luggage, winter gear, and spring clothing.

And, we’re sure you know this already, but here’s a gentle reminder: Avoid crowds! Just shop online… and disinfect your orders as soon as they arrive. Better safe than sorry, folks.

4. Review your travel insurance policy

If there’s one thing the COVID-19 pandemic has taught travellers, it’s that travel insurance is important. Because of the outbreak, so many travellers lost a huge amount of money due to cancelled flights, tours, and hotel bookings.

During this community quarantine, it’s time for you to accomplish the *boring* tasks that come with travel. Start off with reviewing your travel insurance (or applying for a policy, if you don’t have one yet).

Also read: Why Travel Insurance Should Be One of Your Trip’s Non-Negotiables

5. Document your travels

You’ve always wanted to document your travels, but you never have the time. Guess what? Now, you do!

Think about it: You can wallow in your bed all day, thinking about all the trips that got away. Or, you can reminisce about your past travels instead and become more grateful for all the experiences you’ve had.

Write your travel blog. Edit your travel vlog. Print your travel photos. Whatever way you want to document your previous travels, now is the best time to do it. By the time you’re done, you’ll feel much less bitter and much more #blessedt.

Also read: 10 Fun & Creative Ways to Document Your Travels

6. Learn a new skill online

Might as well be more productive and learn a new skill that will help you on your future trips. It’s a good thing that we can learn just about anything online nowadays! Level up your travel photography or learn a new foreign language. The world is your oyster — even when you’re stuck at home!

7. Plan your next trip

COVID-19 isn’t the first pandemic that hit the world. We’re positive that this will die down, just like the rest of the plagues humankind has survived. So while we’re in a community quarantine, let’s start planning our next trips!

Find travel inspiration from other travellers. Read about itineraries and budget tips. Scroll through exhilarating travel stories. You’re bound to do these anyway, even when the community quarantine is over. So why waste any more time?

Also read: Travel Itinerary or No Travel Itinerary? That is the Question

Even with everything happening, we still believe in making travel happen. And who said we can’t do this at home?

In case you haven’t noticed, we’ve been rolling out daily travel-related lists on our Facebook page. Make sure to follow us and join the fun!

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About Author

Danielle Uy

If Disney were creative enough to let Mulan and Melody procreate, Danielle would be that child. From an early age, she has dreamt of becoming a purposeful revolutionary... and an unruly mermaid. While Danielle hasn't held a sword in her lifetime, she feels powerful enough with her byline. Her creative energy is fueled by many things: the quiet right before the rest of the world wakes up, the orange sky as the sun rises during an uncrowded morning surf, the beautiful bitter taste of black coffee, and the threatening reminder of a pending deadline.

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